Mike's profile

Profile ID: 745467
Age 42
Height 6'3" ft
  (191 cm)
Weight 194 lb
  (88 kg)
Sexually is bottom
oral versatile
City Minneapolis
State Minnesota
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
Prefer men aged from 30 to 65

Profile text:

Still looking for hot roleplay scenarios. Cannot host. Limited to two emails. Always welcome to talk about fantasies, interests. Mine include jockstraps, cockrings, edging, j/o, porn, leather, toys, open to more... Not into feet, toilet, pits.

Now that you've read that, seen my pic, and decided to email me, do me a favor please? Stop and read your message, you just took the time to type it, and you likely only get two per day so make this one count. I know I only get two per day, so ask yourself, "If I got this response, would I respond?" If not, start over. If so, feel free to send. If you think you would, but your message is two lines consisting of an alternate email and the the request to contact you there, kindly don't bother writing me. I'm not going to do that. How boring can you be?

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