Rob's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 748829
Age 82
Height 5'7" ft
  (170 cm)
Weight 174 lb
  (79 kg)
Sexually is bottom
oral giving
City Washington
Zip / postal 20008
State District of Columbia
Country United States
Prefer men aged from 25 to 55

Profile text:

100% bottom(and love it)with an attitude of wanting to please. In my 80s, I'm still HIGHLY sexually active. I am single and am seeking a good time. Smokers, shaved pubes, heavy drug and alcohol abusers or numerous tattoos are turn offs. Have family and friends who make my life full and meaningful. Widely traveled. Volunteering, gardening and cooking are what keeps me busy. Like good eats, good conversation and cultural activities. Can host. Fully vaccinated; seven shots; plus monkey pox. No photo no response!

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