harlebear's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 77876
Age 73
Height 6'0" ft
  (183 cm)
Weight 201 lb
  (91 kg)
City Cumming
Zip / postal 30040
State Georgia
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
Prefer men aged from 55 to 90

Profile text:

WM friendly, adventurous, easy going, vaxed, masculine versatile type looking for friendship, chat, along with discreet naked fun and play action and maybe more with perferred age 55+ guys. Can host or travel plus open and experienced for play from mild to whatever that is mutually agreeable. Am not into any type of pain, marks, blood nor heavy duty stuff. Interested?..just let me know

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age 78 - Poland
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age 64 - NJ, United States
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age 47 - Sweden

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