Sehnsucht's profile

Profile ID: 782941
Age 72
Height 5'10" ft
  (178 cm)
Weight 174 lb
  (79 kg)
Partnered yes
City Rancho Mirage
Zip / postal 92270
State California
Country United States
Seeking friends

Profile text:

I've been on this site for many years and I figured it was high time to update my profile. I like this site, because it gives me access to people all around the world. I have always loved foreign languages, different cultures, travel, etc. I am yearning to connect with others that are interested in making a deeper, more intimate connection with someone--whether that be a great friendship or something more. It doesn't matter where you are in the world. I like to travel and I actually would like to meet in person at some point.
For those familiar with the Myers Briggs personality types I am an INFJ. I am introverted by nature, but I do enjoy social interaction--just on a smaller scale generally. I am quite intuitive, sensitive, and emotional. I am also a very kind person. That I know without a doubt. Additionally honesty is very important to me. It's actually become rather "painful" not to speak the truth. That would jeopardize the integrity I've developed over the years.
Most important to me now is a deeper, intimate connection with another soul. So I'm hoping to connect with some like-minded people, who are willing to go deeper and truly get to know one another. I can share photos with those that make the effort.
I absolutely love nature so you're more likely to find me out there or at least in my garden. You won't find me in any bars or clubs. I don't drink, use any drugs, and don't smoke. I do some type of exercise every day whether it be walking/hiking, swimming, the gym, or yoga. I'm also getting back into a regular meditation practice. I feel like my life is undergoing a significant transformation which I refer to as a spiritual (not religious) journey.
I would love to hear from others with similar interests or desires. It doesn't really matter how far away you are or your age. Those things need not be obstacles for us.

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