GAMsilvrfoxHUNTR's profile - supporters can see gallery and video
Profile text:Post lockdown update: 11-23-23
Did the 2 things at once recently: COVID 5th booster (Moderna) and flu shot at the same time. Really knocked the wind outta my sails for a couple of days, but at least up to date!
On this day of Giving Thanks, I am thankful for all those who have touched my life, and have written great responses to my messages. Thank you!!! You make the world a little nicer to live in!
Coronavirus lockdown update: 08-06-20
Thank you for dropping in and Welcome to my profile! (This is the cyber-Welcome mat since we are all under lockdown, and having houseguests is ill advised)
I recently ran across 3 profiles containing some words that really gave me pause to think, and I believe in giving credit where credit is due, so here they are:
Tom, profile 198188, said: "NEVER FORGET: you might be someone's reason to masturbate!!!"
So whenever I receive unsolicited lewd grins or propositions, I have to keep reminding myself that this is why that person wrote to me, whether or not the feeling of attraction is mutual. Obviously the writer is hoping for the latter, but nevertheless, I must always remember Tom's words of wisdom, and reply using the appropriate level of compassion if there is zero attraction, or lust if there is. It just makes the world (both cyber and physical) a better place in which to live.
Michael, profile 2343632 writes: "I definitely want to find someone that is stable and secure and really knows how to treat someone special. I want to find that person that i can't wait to talk to and I can't wait to come home to, and that feels the same way"
These words made me stop in my tracks. I HAVE that. Both my husband Don and I already have that. We are so fortunate to have found each other at the exact time we both needed what the other had to offer (the timing part is very many times have you ever met or known someone who seems to possess these qualities but either you or he are already committed? That doesn't mean it can't EVER work, or you should stop looking or worse, lose track of this person...just the timing was off).
So for those who have that special someone, may they be to you as you are to them. For those who are still searching, a few words from myself after a bit of reflection...when you are at peace with yourself and have reached a state of calm self-acceptance of your situation is when you are at your peak attractiveness to others. That is the state my future husband Don was in when I first met him.
AjS, profile 842229 wrote: "Not being a member makes a bad first impression." I thought these words both succinct and profound. I understand if you are a casual user, logging on once in a few weeks. However, if you log on more frequently, and enjoy the benefits of many contacts through the years, not willing to part with your money to support such a worthwhile service DOES reflect badly upon first impressions. I understand there may be mitigating circumstances. I put my money where my mouth is, and walk the talk. I even go so far as to order "off menu" and pay more than the top tier for better pricing. Contact the webmaster, Dennis (profile number 1, duh) if you feel the same (bet you didn't know you could even DO that).
What follows is the profile that I have had up for years. Enjoy.
Stocky, muscular GAM (That's an acronym that stands for Gay Asian Male, so I'm the Asian one in the photo) seeks friends and f.w.b. My wonderful 69 yr old silverfox husband Harris of almost 10 years passed away Feb 2014. I am embarking on a new adventure and now married to a 82 year old sexy builder named Don (profile 1107489). Attracted to guys who are reasonably fit, and mature. Facial hair is almost always a must (there are always exceptions). Down-to-earth, non-materialistic regular guy here. Expect honesty always. My gallery pics show my working out nude back in 2005, together with my former husband Harris, and two recent pics of my current husband Don.
Update Aug 2019: Viewed the documentary "Forks Over Knives" and found the message to be compelling. Trying a largely plant-based way of eating (won't call it a diet, because it's more of a paradigm shift), and have lost 10 lbs in 2 months. I really think there might be something to this way of eating, so will try to keep on improving our food choices.
Update to the update 2020: Had to re-introduce meat/protein into our diets. We weren't getting enough, and the deterioration of our hair, nails and skin forced the change back.
Other Travel: None right now during Coronavirus lockdown!
If we're local to you, don't be shy...say "Hi!" Might be a good time to be had! Minimum requirement to meet: Face pic so I can find you in a hotel lobby.
[email protected] (Kent...not professionally trained masseur, but haven't had any complaints yet, and many requests for encores)
ww w. adam 4adam. com /?p= Rdizusu
(without the inserted spaces)
Of personal character: Your actions (or lack thereof) will speak louder than any words that leave your mouth or spring from your fingers.
Treating others with courtesy and respect the way you would want to be treated will eventually make the world a better place.
Smiling also helps
For those who are wayback fluent:
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