strip4mature's profile

Profile ID: 867399
Age 68
Height 5'10" ft
  (178 cm)
Weight 221 lb
  (100 kg)
City London
Country United Kingdom
Seeking friends
Prefer men aged from 20 to 40

Profile text:

I'm a mature clothed voyeur looking for nudists, exhibitionists, show-offs and strippers interested in strutting their stuff in a safe environment. I'm quite happy to keep my hands to myself if you want but of course I can help out if you're looking for audience participation, and you can set the boundaries beforehand. In my younger days, I was an exhibitionist and amateur stripper myself so I understand the buzz, and if you've thought about exploring any aspect of exhibitionism and just want to meet for a chat without committing yourself, that's fine too. I'm also interested in photography and video and have done that myself as well, but you might not be, so it doesn't have to be part of the deal. It would save us both using our Silver Daddies text allowance if you would include your e-mail address in your first message but I'll answer everyone in due course unless you're clearly not what I'm looking for. Please send pics, full length including face if possible but not necessarily nude, or be prepared to send them by e-mail subsequently if you don't have them loaded on here. Please note that I'm only interested in meeting face to face and not c2c, nor endless chat which leads nowhere. I can travel within London or accommodate in E11. I'm looking for younger nudists, exhibitionists, show-offs and strippers with a decent body, and by that I mean neither malnourished nor more than a little overweight but everything in between is good, so you might be slim, defined, muscular, athletic or just plain average, but please be realistic. By younger, I mean from age 18 to early 30's, perhaps a bit older if you carry it well and are fitter than average. Any ethnicity is welcome. Hairy or smooth is good so don't shave unless you want to. I'm not especially interested in cock size so don't worry if you think yours is small. In my experience men who think their cock is small have one that is in fact either average or anyway in proportion to the rest of them. But you also might be large or XXL and this might be what attracts you to showing off. Either way, you will be appreciated. If you're into role play, am happy to consider scenarios, but you might just want to have a drink and a chat and then get on with the show.

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