John in SATX's profile - supporters can see gallery and video

Profile ID: 91616
Age 74
Height 5'10" ft
  (178 cm)
Weight 183 lb
  (83 kg)
Sexually is oral versatile
City San Antonio
Zip / postal 78228
State Texas
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date

Profile text:

I'm happy on a hike. I'm a good cook. I play the cello. And I've got a nice one.
Any questions?
I'm a reasonably fit, hairy-chested Mediterranean type. Mostly interested in meeting a sweet smart sexy guy, preferably with a medium to stocky build, for something more than just wild scorching sex, but, if I have to, will settle for just wild scorching sex in the meantime.
I'm a quiet independent responsible guy, with lifelong musical interests that keep me from going nuts in these nutty times. Hoping to meet an appealing easy-going bud to join me for good times, especially aimless road trips, hiking/biking/enjoying the beauty by day and the motel mattress (or camping pad) by night.
Have been accused of being a great kisser, but Grandma said that kind of thing about all us kids.
If you've got sweet smilin' eyes or a fleshy build or nice eyebrows or artistic sensibilities or a smoldering accent, then I'd like to hear from you. If none of that applies to you, I bet there is something about you I'd find irresistible -- and I'm talking about what's going on in your heart and noggin, not just in yer trousers, although I'm interested in that, too.
It'd be great if you love the desert, botany, dark leafy greens and Brahms.
If you don't, maybe it's just about time you did.

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