statesman's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 98506
Age 78
Weight 194 lb
  (88 kg)
Sexually is top
oral receiving
City Fort Lauderdale
Zip / postal 33305
State Florida
Country United States
Seeking a date
a relationship
Prefer men aged from 20 to 40

Profile text:

I am a laid back, easy going guy. I enjoy being with guys that are younger and masculine who enjoy the company of a older masculine man.

If a person can't get their age right then what else can't they get right?

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explorerson profile has image profile has gallery
age 27 - Lebanon
Alex profile has image
age 47 - FL, United States
Billy profile has image profile has gallery
age 70 - CA, United States
Dave profile has image profile has gallery
age 75 - VA, United States
Sonforfun profile has image
age 40 - OR, United States
guy next door profile has image profile has gallery
age 61 - AZ, United States
Lylem profile has image profile has gallery
age 49 - OK, United States

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