Sirius's profile

Profile ID: 2113175
Age 68
Height 5'11" ft
  (180 cm)
Weight 174 lb
  (79 kg)
State Maine
Country United States
Seeking friends
Prefer men aged from 20 to 35

Profile text:

I'm looking for an energetic younger guy who'd like to do some outdoorsy things, talk about the world, and enjoy life.

Or if you're new to this and just want someone to check in with, that's fine, too.

I'm open to travel. Trying to revive my rusty German ... wie geht's?

I'm retired, educated, well traveled, and interested in what's going on in the world. I like hiking, sailing, skiing, good food, and my dog (not necessarily in that order).

Planning to relocate. Saint Paul, MN? Strasbourg, France? Stuttgart, Germany?

Please have a face photo.

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