0 * A A Marriage Minded's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 2503844
Age 49
Height 6'0" ft
  (183 cm)
Weight 132 lb
  (60 kg)
Country India
Seeking a relationship
Prefer men aged from 20 to 90

Profile text:

(NOTE: don't contact if you don't have face picture or not sending in your first message.

also don't if you not looking life partner but only sex. DONT WASTE TIME BOTH OF US IF YOU WANTING ENDLESS CHAT TO KNOW EACH OTHER.

i will search for my man till i get commitment.)

i am looking for my man, better half, life partner, marriage. i am loyal, decent, calm, with sense of humour, loving, caring, sincere, honest, limited English knowledge, simple living, less speaking guy.

i like to walk, creativity like writing song, to watch wild life, movie, music, sports, general knowledge and also ready to know new things..
age, place not issue for me for the right one.
feel free to Message me to know more.

waiting for you. whatisup seven.zero. one. six. one. one .two .four. three. two
only 2 message limits so give alternative contact detail if possible in your first message.


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